Welcome to Bumblebees - Unit One
FS1, FS2 and Year 1 are in our unit 1 class.
Mrs. Clay is the teacher. Mrs. SMith works in here- she is on maternity leave until spring 26
Mrs. Reddihough is the cover supervisor.
Miss. Richards and Miss. Ellison also work in Bumblebees every day.
Please follow the link for our long term plans 2024.
Bumblebees N&R LTP 2024-2025 (1).docx
Bumblebees Year 1 LTP 2024-2025.docx
Continuous Provision
Play is fundamental to learning in Bumblebees and our indoor and outdoor spaces reflect this. Children are able to access a variety of focused areas that are enhanced to move their learning forward. Our children are inquisitive and independent learners who love to explore.
Phonics and Reading in Bumblebees
Children in Reception and Year 1 are taught daily phonics following Little Wandle. We enjoy sharing stories and reading daily in Bumblebees. Reading books are matched to individual phonic ability. Nursery enjoy listening to stories, learning rhymes and taking part in early phonics activities.
See below for the focus each week in Autumn phonics for Reception and Year 1:
In Bumblebees we enjoy sharing our learning between home and school.
This year we look forward to organising more stay and read sessions.
Maths in Bumblebees
We follow White Rose Maths to develop our maths skills along with daily mental maths practise. We encourage a practical, hands on approach to maths learning in Bumblebees. We definitely enjoy problem solving!
Learning at home
Below you can find links and activities to support current learning at home.
- Little Wandle for parents has great resources for you to downlaod and use at home linked to our phonics teaching and learning:
- Below is a list of books that can be read to support current maths learning in Reception: